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Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Inwestycyjnych EKO-INWEST Spółka Akcyjna (The Investment Services Company Joint Stock) was established in 1991 and entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Szczecin, 13th Commercial Department of the National Court Register under KRS No. 0000051374.
The Company's address is:
ul. Lucjana Szenwalda 20
71-281 Szczecin
Stock Capital paid in full: PLN 500 000
NIP No.: 852-000-18-14
REGON No.: 811001049
Bank Account No.: Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. 96 1540 1085 2098 5313 4660 0001
The Company provides services of investor's supervision including services of the Contract Engineer, the Substitute Investor and the Project Manager according to the rules of FIDIC (Yellow and Red Book), the European Union and the World Bank.
In our business activity we first of all focus on reliability of performed duties. Since 27th June 2002 we have been granted Quality Assurance Certificate according to Norm ISO 9001:2000. New technologies and techniques which are reaching us obligate us to permanently improve qualifications through participation in training courses, MBA postgraduate and doctoral studies. That insures a high level of provided services.