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EKO-INWEST Investments

Biomass-fired boiler with steam capacity of 183 MW erected in combined heat and power plant located in Szczecin. Boiler with bubbling fluidized bed technology burns forest residue, willow chips and straw pellets. Investment in the Szczecin Power Plant includes also: biomass storage and transportation system with capacity of 38.000 cubic meter, biofuel tanks with capacity 300 cubic meter, modernization of impulse turbine and electrostatic precipitator. The Szczecin Power Plant will burn 800,000 tons of biomass to produce 440,000 MWh of electricity to national grid and 1.4 million gigajoules of heat a year for the city of Szczecin. By its capacity the Szczecin green energy plant is one of the biggest in Europe and the largest in Poland.

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